
Linked up with Leadership

By Maria Ribot (Managing Layout Editor)

We all know that the first day of high school is a very intimidating and scary experience for all students, especially the incoming freshmen. Link Crew’s mission is to help freshmen transition into high school smoothly and also provide them with a mentor, and even a friend, to help them adapt to high school. Link crew leaders are composed of Juniors and Seniors that have gone through the application process for the organization and have really wanted to participate in this program. If accepted into the program, Link Crew leaders attend the Link Crew retreat and orientation training process, which involves getting to know how freshman feel at orientation. They not only help freshmen, but they also help the new to Nease upperclassmen easily transition and adapt to a new school.

Link Crew leaders also have the choice to take the Link Crew elective with Ms. Bowker. This is the second year that this course is being held. The Link crew class has also allowed her to start her day with good news and a weekly positivity circle. A positivity circle is composed of all class members and they have to say one positive characteristic to the person to their right. Positivity has everything to do with Link Crew. This statement was further explained by Ms. Bowker; “Putting over that trust [of positivity] into high school students to be that positive force for change has really helped to broaden my horizons as far as positivity is concerned “. She then added that “influencing positivity to anyone I interact with on a daily basis has really made that a priority in my life.” Part of Link Crew’s mission is not only to help freshmen transition to high school, but to be ambassadors of positivity and kindness on-campus and off-campus to other people.

Due to the increased number of Link Crew members, the class had to be split into 2 class periods, 1st and 4th. Ms. Bowker was asked how Link Crew has impacted her life, she responded, “The Link Crew class has allowed the club an opportunity to become more active throughout the school year”.  With this comes events that will be available for the whole school to participate in because of the class. With organizing school-wide events, comes rigorous planning and approval. For example, on August 24th, students in both class periods were able to pitch and present ideas to Mrs. Kunze for events taking place in the fall.  This presentation allowed the Link Crew leaders to obtain feedback and suggestions about how they can make their events better and more efficient.  So, stay tuned for updates regarding these events!


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Photo Credit: Maria Ribot

1st period Link Crew class stands still for a formal photo before they are told that they can be silly again.

Cover Photo Credit: